Original Item: One-of-a-kind-set. This is a lovely set of three German WWII Era RAD National Labor Corps photo albums, with an extra sheet of period photos that was found inside the larger album. These were purchased as a set at a recent military show, and show a great range of scenes, as service in the labor corps would take members all over Germany.
This set consists of:
- One German WWII RAD Labor Corps Photo Album. It shows the RAD Shovel logo on the cover, and the inside front page is marked with the phrase Erinnerungen an den Arbeitsdienst ("Memories of Labor Service"). The album has 86 photos total, which are a mixture of professional photos, post cards, and personal photos, many showing fellow members of the RAD. The thinner pages at the end look to show the owner of the album in his RAD uniform, with an ANHALT cuff title and 135 / 3 RAD unit number. Measures 7 1/2" x 10 1/2".
- One German RAD Labor Corps Unit Marked Photo Album. This album shows the RAD Shovel lobo over Arbeitsgau XXV Hessen-Süd, or Work Region 25: South Hesse, with Arbeitsdienst - Ehrendienst (Work Service - Honorary Service) at the bottom. THe inside has some hand written text, and most likely shows the owner of the album. THere is also a longer handwritten note, and following this there are 31 photos and additional text, which would make a great project. Measures 13 1/2" x 8 1/2"
- One Early Pre-WWII RAD Labor Corps Photo Album. This shows an earlier RAD logo with the Swas surrounded by Wheat shafts, and has a phrase written in Sütterlin script around it, which we unfortunately cannot read. It contains 51 photos showing members of the Luftwaffe, Army, and other scenes. Measures 7 1/2" x 10 1/2".
-One Page from a Larger Luftwaffe Photo Album. This shows 8 pictures total which show numerous Luftwaffe Officer, NCO, and Enlisted members, various different types of uniforms. Measures 8 1/4" x 10 1/2".
A fantastic photo album set, full of research potential!!!
Historical records like these albums have become priceless time capsules that provide an incomparable level of insight into the individual experience of the Second World War, now that almost eighty years have passed.
Context is everything when preserving old photo albums. The order in which an album was put together meant something to the creator and may give you clues about the
photographs if they’re not identified. If at all possible, keep old albums in their original order. It’s okay to remove loose photos, but make a note of where they came from.
The older albums such as these usually withstand the ravages of time. The leather or fabric covers may wear, but the pages stay well intact. The black paper albums of the early 20th century are more fragile, while the glue from magnetic albums can damage photographs. And, as with all old photographs, keep albums in a safe, climate controlled environment.
The basis of the RAD, Reichsarbeitsdienst, (National Labor Service), dates back, at least, to 1929 with the formation of the AAD (Anhalt Arbeitsdienst) and the FAD-B (Freiwillingen Arbeitsdienst-Bayern). Shortly after AH’s appointment as Chancellor in Jan 1933, the NSDAP consolidated all labor organizations into the NSAD (Nationalsozialist Arbeitsdienst), a national labor service. It served as an agency to help mitigate the effects of unemployment on the German economy, militarize the workforce and indoctrinate it with NSDAP ideology. It was the official state labor service, divided into separate sections for men and women.
On June 26 1935 the NSAD was officially re-designated RAD. Originally personnel serving with RAD wore a variety of earlier FAD/NSAD belt buckles until February 15TH 1936 when new pattern belt buckles for Officer’s and EM/NCO’s were introduced to provided uniformity in dress.